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Arise ‘n’ Shine

Transformation Coaching

'You are born to shine! Unleash the potential within'    

I believe that everyone is created for a purpose and with a purpose. We are no mistake. We are whole, created with great potential, gifts and talents. Everything we need is on the inside of us. The obstacles of LIFE may try to pull us down, but we need to know who we are and stand up and be WHO WE ARE. We are all created to ARISE ‘N’ SHINE.


About Us

About Us
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Hi I am Adebola 

As a seasoned life fulfillment coach, I bring over 27 years of transformative experience within the manufacturing sector. My passion extends beyond mere professional development; I specialize in coaching young individuals aged 16-24 and women of all ages, guiding them towards unlocking their full potential. My mission is to empower them to build essential life skills and set meaningful goals, propelling them towards their true purpose and who they are destined to become.


Everyone is Born to Shine!


I hold a steadfast belief that each person is designed with a unique purpose and an intrinsic potential. We are not accidents but rather, beings of immense value, imbued with remarkable gifts and talents. Life's challenges may attempt to confine us, yet the power to overcome resides within. It is crucial to recognize and embrace our true selves, standing tall in our authenticity. We are all destined to shine.


Hope is the cornerstone of my philosophy. It fosters self-discovery, instills confidence, and builds resilience. My commitment is to walk alongside you on your journey, supporting you in uncovering your true essence and living authentically. Together, we will navigate the path to your most empowered self, enabling you to rise and shine in all your endeavors.


Let's embark on this transformative journey together, embracing the full spectrum of who you are, and unlocking the brilliance within.

Flying Bird

What is Coaching?


Coaching is a great reflective space to explore what’s going on for you and to better understand your current experiences and challenges.  

Everyone is whole and has been created with everything they need to live a full and successful life. We all just need to unleash the power and potential within us, to uncover the potentials within and put them to effective use.  

We are all busy and sometimes get overwhelmed with things around us, our thoughts are so clouded that we can’t dig deep within to establish the best direction for our life.  


We are in an ever changing world and sometimes struggle to keep up and handle the ripples of change 

We struggle in giving the conditions for self-growth to fully realise self and overcome the need to meet the needs and expectations of others as well as ourselves. 


Coaching will create a space for you to slow down, challenge yourself and get a better understanding of what is going on for you. This happens by creating a reflective space for you to learn about yourself by hearing yourself anew. 


Are you curious about coaching, and have some questions about what to expect? 

The best way to discover if coaching is for you is to experience it. This is why I am offering my potential clients the opportunity of an initial coaching conversation without cost or commitment. Please contact me to book a coaching conversation  


 Below is an outline of some of the programmes that I offer to support you. 

All individual coaching sessions are done online via video call software. Group workshops can be done either on line via video software or in person.   

2-months Programme 

An initial 30-minute coaching conversation 

A focused pre coaching questionnaire 

1 x 60-minute-introductory session – Awareness session - looking at your challenges, goal setting and way forward.  

4 x 50-minute coaching sessions over 8 Weeks.  

Regular support and checking with me by text or email between sessions – to keep you on track, stay accountable and celebrate your successes and achievement.  

A post coaching review 


4-months Programme 

An initial 30-minute coaching conversation 

A focused pre coaching questionnaire 

1 x 60-minute-introductory session – Awareness session - looking at your challenges, goal setting and way forward.  

9 x 50-minute coaching sessions over 12 Weeks  

Regular support and checking with me by text or email between sessions – to keep you on track, stay accountable and celebrate your successes and achievement.  

A post coaching review 



6 & 12-month programmes 

These are tailored programmes, please contact me to make enquiries.  


The breakthrough Session 

A one-off 90-minute breakthrough session - for when you have a goal in sight, but are not sure how to get there. This session is designed to specific clarity on something you are working on. At the end of this session you should have increased clarity and deepened your understanding of your goals, the obstacles you may need to work through, and the paths you could take to get there. 

Prior to this session you will complete a focused pre coaching questionnaire 


Group Workshop Programmes  

These are bespoke programmes tailored to the groups requirement. This can be for groups or organisations such as women groups, youth groups or faith organisations.  please contact me to make enquiries.  



A limited number of places are eligible for discounted rates. This is for those seeking coaching but may not be in a financial position to afford it. Please note that these are limited spaces as they are self-funded by me. I believe that everyone should be given an opportunity to develop themselves irrespective of their circumstances.  These will be evaluated based on individual circumstances. New spaces usually become available every 6-12 weeks. 

If you’re interested, please contact me directly to discuss it and log your interest.  

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Book a Consultation



This just a few lines to say a huge thank you.
Thanks for the coaching time.
You inspired  me and motivated me to do well in  building my self confidence.
Our sessions encouraged Me to write my project and helping other ladies to build their self confidence.
You demonstrate  patience, tolerance, determination, commitment, support, helpfulness and respect
Thanks so much.


Let's Chat

Contact Number: 07903267708

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