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"Discover Your True Worth: Living as the Unique Individual God Created You to Be"

Self-worth isn't about meeting others' expectations; it's about recognizing the value inherent in who you are. God designed you with unique strengths and qualities, making you perfectly equipped for your journey

We often fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others or allowing negative comments to diminish our self-worth. It’s important to remember that you might not be enough for someone else, but that doesn't diminish your value. You are wonderfully made, equipped with the talents, abilities, and qualities necessary to fulfill your unique purpose.


 Embrace Your Uniqueness

Understand that your value is not determined by external opinions. God has placed within you all that you need to thrive. Instead of seeking validation from others, focus on embracing your true self. Acknowledge your strengths, talents, and the positive qualities that make you who you are.


 Stand Strong Against Criticism

Criticism can often be a double-edged sword. Constructive feedback can help us grow, but destructive criticism can undermine our confidence.


It's crucial to discern between the two. While being open to correction is essential for personal growth, it’s equally important to shield yourself from judgments that aim to condemn rather than uplift.


 Learn and Grow

Embracing a mindset of growth means being open to learning and improving. Constructive criticism should be welcomed as it helps refine our character and abilities. However, never let anyone make you feel less than or unworthy. Corrections should be tools for improvement, not weapons of judgment.


 Guard Your Heart

Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Protecting your heart from negative influences and maintaining a positive self-view is vital. Surround yourself with people who encourage and uplift you, who see the best in you and help you see it too.



Remember, you are good enough just as you are. You don't need others to validate your existence or worth. Embrace your God-given identity, stand firm against unwarranted criticism, and be open to learning and growing. Live a life

Love Adebola

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